modulo Gallery
Una versione modificata del modulo Gallery per Flatnux-NEXT.
Other than the lightbox based on prototype / scriptaculous (like the one included in the Flatnux Gallery module), this modified version of Gallery also supports a lightbox based on jquery (this is in order to avoid conflicts when you want to use jquery in your Flatnux site, for example in themes or in sections..., in fact jquery and prototype don't get along very well together). The choice can be configured in the module configuration by putting "NO" to "Use lightbox" and "YES " to "Use jquery lightbox".
This modified version also supports multi-image upload, and in capable browsers also through "drag and drop". File Lwangaman-Flatnux-NEXT-Gallery-Mod-1c7e129.zip (147.86 Kb | 25338 Download) Insertion date 2011-09-30 12:36:19 Date updated 2013-07-30 11:57:56
Other than the lightbox based on prototype / scriptaculous (like the one included in the Flatnux Gallery module), this modified version of Gallery also supports a lightbox based on jquery (this is in order to avoid conflicts when you want to use jquery in your Flatnux site, for example in themes or in sections..., in fact jquery and prototype don't get along very well together). The choice can be configured in the module configuration by putting "NO" to "Use lightbox" and "YES " to "Use jquery lightbox".
This modified version also supports multi-image upload, and in capable browsers also through "drag and drop". File Lwangaman-Flatnux-NEXT-Gallery-Mod-1c7e129.zip (147.86 Kb | 25338 Download) Insertion date 2011-09-30 12:36:19 Date updated 2013-07-30 11:57:56
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